Headmaster's Corner

Y Narsimha Reddy



Welcome to this school

As Headmaster of Govt HS(G) Rangasaipet, warangal I feel it’s my primary duty to lead my team to ignite the young minds with zeal and enthusiasm and an insatiable quest for knowledge. The students need to develop special skills, critical thinking and effective oral and written communication. Our aim is to make students apt in these skills and become truly global citizens. We are working here to achieve this goal. We appreciate and reward them for their achievements. Children here are encouraged to grow with their uniqueness, which is appreciated by all.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To bring all round development among the learner.
  2. To train the young mass of the country to be good citizens who will be competent to play their part effectively in social and economic development of the country.
  3. To promote social virtues, intellectual development  and practical skills of students.
  4. To train character of students to enable them to participate creatively as citizens in the emerging social order.
  5. To improve  practical and vocational efficiency of the students.
  6. To develop  a scientific attitude of mind to think objectively.
  7. To inculcate the qualities necessary for living harmoniously and efficiently with one’s fellowmen.

Vision and mission


To provide Quality education so that every child achieve personal success and became a responsible Citizen. School prepare students to be confident and active citizen who are self directed for life long and become faithful family members . We promote positive attitude towards success .